Siège de Québec

Carte depuis Kébec jusque au cap de Tourmente J. Bourdon. 1641
Carte du gouvernement de Québec levée en l'année 1709 par les ordres de Monseigneur le Comte de Ponchartrain G. de Catalogne. 1709
A sermon preached Nov. 29, 1759, being a general thanksgiving for the taking of Quebec, etc. R. Winter. 1759
A Sermon preached before His Excellency Thomas Pownell upon occasion of the Success of His Majesty's Arms in the Reduction of Quebec S. Cooper. 1759
Songs of Victory directed by Human Compassion , and qualified with Christian Benevolence; in a sermon delivered at Roxbury, October 25, 1759
A view of the taking of Quebeck by the English forces commanded by Gen. Wolfe Sep. 13th, 1759 1760
Joy and gratitude to God for the long life of a good King , and the conquest of Quebec S. Langdon. 1760
Two Discourses [on Ps. cxxvi. 3 ] delivered ... 25th October, 1759 J. Mayhew. 1760
The Conquest of Quebec: a poem H. Middleton. 1768
A Journal of the siege of Quebec. To which is annexed, a correct plan of the environs of Quebec, and of the battle fought on the 13th September, 1759 J. Thomas. 1777
Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville 1861
Journal du siège de Québec en 1759 J.-C. Panet. 1866
Relation de ce qui s'est passé au siège de Québec et de la prise du Canada M.-J. Legardeur de Repentigny. 1765