Toussaint Louverture: Destiny and Contradictions
Born into slavery in the French colony of Saint-Domingue around 1740, Toussaint Louverture became a free man under the Old Regime. He nevertheless joined the slave uprising in the colony in 1791, rising to become one of its leaders. In 1794, he switched sides, joining the French; by 1798, he was the lawfully appointed governor of Saint-Domingue and an influential figure in France’s politics and international diplomacy. After a contest of wills with Napoleon, Louverture ended his life as a prisoner in France. Today, he is honored in the Pantheon, the French capital he never saw, whereas in his native Haiti, he is remembered as “the Precursor” who paved the way for Jean-Jacques Dessalines, “the Liberator” who proclaimed the country’s independence., University of Kentucky
Haiti’s independence debt. The slave as a unit of account (1794-1922)
In 1804 Haiti is declared independent by its formerly enslaved people of African origin. 21 years later, in 1825, France recognises the sovereignty of the former ‘French part of Saint-Domingue’ in return for compensation to be paid to the ex-property owning colonists. Haiti will struggle for a whole century to pay off this debt incurred by independence and the loans raised in connection with it.
Gusti-Klara Gaillard-Pourchet, historian and Professor at the École normale supérieure of the State University of Haiti.
The 1802 Expedition to Saint-Domingue (Haiti) and the Louisiana Purchase
In 1802, during the Consulate, Napoleon Bonaparte sent several expeditions to the Caribbean to restore the plantation economy of the Old Regime. The largest was tasked with the reconquest of Saint-Domingue, the French colony now known as Haiti. The expedition failed disastrously, which led to the independence of Haiti and, indirectly, the Louisiana Purchase.
Philippe Girard, Professor of Caribbean History at McNeese University in Louisiana.
Précis des derniers troubles qui ont eu lieu dans la partie du nord de Saint-Domingue le 26 Germinal. H, Henry. 1795
Recueils de pièces imprimées concernant les colonies. Haïti, Saint Domingue. L-E, Moreau de Saint-méry. 1789-1791
Réclamations des nègres libres, colons américains. 1791
Projet de pétition d'un colon. 1791
Observations sur l'origine et les progrès du préjugé des colons blancs contre les hommes de couleur. J, Raimond. 1791
Lettre du Cap, du 18 juillet 1791, écrite par un créole blanc et propriétaire de S.-Domingue. 1791
Justification de M. Milscent. créole, à l'assemblée coloniale de S. Domingue. C, Milscent. 1791
Copie de la lettre de M. Nicoleau, habitant de S. Domingue. P-F, Nicoleau. 1791
Concordat de MM. les citoyens blancs du Port-au-Prince avec MM. les citoyens de couleur. 1791
Concordat, ou Traité de paix entre les citoyens blancs et les citoyens de couleur. 1791
Copie de la lettre de M. Blanchelande, gouverneur de Saint-Domingue, à M. de Bertrand, ministre de la Marine. 1791