First nations

French-Indigenous conflicts in New France

While France’s alliances with Indigenous peoples were essential to their colonization efforts in North America, the development of New France was also marked by major conflicts which occupied an important place in the documents produced during the French regime. The incursion of the French into Indigenous territories exacerbated existing conflicts and helped create new ones.


Maxime Gohier, professor at the Université de Québec à Rimouski, specialist in indigenous political history

Indigenous North Americans in French Fiction (1552-1801)

An abundance of travel narratives from New France, and the consecration of a colonial Canadian canon beyond the realm of fiction, long overshadowed a vast corpus of exoticism. In the early 20th century Gilbert Chinard rediscovered such texts, and explored how their Indigenous characters revealed the imagined America of early modern France.

Sébastien Côté, professor of French and Quebec literature at Carleton University (Ottawa)

In the Lands of the Indigenous Peoples in New France (1534-1763)

Starting with Christopher Columbus’s first encounters on the island of Hispaniola, the discursive construction of Indigenous Peoples was at the heart of European travel writings about the New World.

Sébastien Côté, professeur de Littérature française et québécoise à l’Université Carleton (Ottawa)