The project

Discover the project

For some time, the Bibliothèque nationale de France and its American counterpart, the Library of Congress, have established a close relationship, because they share the basic mission of conserving works published in each country, thanks to the practice of legal deposits; because they embody an encyclopedic and universal conception of knowledge; and because they have a shared history, marked at the dawn of the history of the USA by France’s support of  the American insurgents.

Laurence Engel, Présidente de la BnF


In search of "France in the Americas"

Catherine Desbarats, François Furstenberg, Gilles Havard and Dominique Rogers.

The scientific advisory board

31 members sit on this council, which is tasked with examining, validating and assessing the scientific content on the website.

The partners

19 partners

The contributors

Many specialists have participated in the development of this site.

The team members

Sixteen professionals have helped to bring this website to fruition.


Les ouvrages recommandés par nos auteurs.