Military campaign

Carte d'une partie du Lac Supérieur avec la découverte de la rivière depuis le grand portage A jusqu'au lac Ouinipigon G.-J. Chaussegros de Léry. 1724
Capitulation du Fort Necessity 1754
Fort William Henry and environs W. Eyre. 1755
The route of the army under the command of Genl. Braddock to the place of their defeat C. Gist. 1755
Carte des possessions françoises et angloises dans le Canada, et partie de la Louisiane, 1756.
Declaration du roy , concernant les armemens de mer qui se font pour la course sur les ennemis de l'Etat 1756
Noticia certa da tomada, e rendimento de Cabo-Berton, cuja praça se rende aos Inglezes, ficando toda a guarnicaõ prizioneira de guerra 1758
Songs of Victory directed by Human Compassion , and qualified with Christian Benevolence; in a sermon delivered at Roxbury, October 25, 1759
Genuine Letters and Memoirs relating to the natural, civil and commercial history of the Islands of Cape Breton, Saint John, from the first settlement there, to the taking of Louisburg by the English, in 1758 1760
Sorrow turned into Joy. A sermon deliver'd at Medfield, October 25, 1759, being a day of public acknowledgement of the smiles of heaven upon the British Arms in America 1760
The Terrible Calamities that are occasioned by War, and the blessedness of a people that live under the protection of God T. Smith. 1760
Letter, Etienne-Francois, Duc De Choiseul, to Jean-Jacques-Blaise D'abbadie 1764
Pierre-Joseph Neyon de Villiers, Fort Chartres, to Jean-Jacques-Blaise D'Abbadie 1764
An historical journal of the campaigns in North-America, for the years 1757-1760 J. Knox. 1769
A Prospective View of the Battle fought near Lake George S. Blodget. 1778
A View of the Landing [in] the New England Forces in ye Expedition against Cape Breton. J. Stevens. 1779
Certificate of naval service of Boileau de St. Paul in Canadian campaign of 1758 1782
Reminiscences , 1755-1762: including the Louisburg and Quebec campaigns, manuscript H. Hamilton. 1792
A prospective view of the battle fought near Lake George, on the 8th of Sepr. 1755, between 2000 English, with 250 Mohawks 1800
Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville 1861
Journal du voyage de M. Saint-Luc de La Corne dans le navire l'Auguste, en l'an 1761 1863
Le Massacre au fort George, la Mémoire de Montcalm vengée, documents historiques 1864
Historic handbook of the northern tour F. Parkman. 1885
Le grand vaincu : dernière campagne du marquis de Montcalm au Canada H. Cauvain. 1885
Les français au Canada : Montcalm et Lévis H.-R. Casgrain. 1913
Collection Dionis Du Séjour . Règne de Louis XV. Canada