French-british rivalries
Geopolitics of the French Caribbean, 1635 – 1789
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the processes of settling and exploitation placed the French colonies in the Caribbean at the economic center of the French monarchy’s Atlantic empire. Rivalry between France and other European imperial powers revolved around the trade in enslaved persons from Africa.
David Chaunu, doctoral student and temporary teaching and research associate (ATER) at Sorbonne University's Faculty of Letters.
Nine Years' War

Account of the late Action of the New-Englanders, under the command of Sir W. Phips, against the French at Canada T. Savage. 1691
: Traite de paix entre l'Empereur , la France, et l'Empire Conclu a Ryswick, le trentième Octobre 1697
A journal of the late actions of the French at Canada N. Bayard. 1793
War of the Spanish Succession

Traité de suspension d'armes entre la France et l'Angleterre. Ordonnance pour sa proclamation 1712
The History of the Treaty of Utrecht 1712
L'idée de la paix conclue entre les Hauts alliés et les françois dans la ville d'Utrecht le 11 avril et ratifiée le 12 mai 1713
A journal of the late Expedition to Canada, with an appendix H. Walker. 1720
Proclamation de Richard Phillips (...) enjoignant les habitants de prêter le serment de fidélité au roi d'Angleterre 1720
Treaty of Utrecht, 11 April 1713. The Two Treaties between Great Britain and France, the former ratified 1713, the latter signed 1786 1786
Hotel de ville d'Utrecht ou s'assemblèrent les plénipotentiaires venus au congrès de la Paix générale
French-Spanish rivalries : fight for Pensacola

Port de Sancta Maria de Galle ou de Pensa Coula. Catho. 1689
Plan de la baye de Pansacola. N.Bellin. 1744
Portefeuille 138 du fonds du Service hydrographique de la Marine consacré aux côtes de Floride et de Louisiane. JF. Châteaumorant. XVIIe
Carte de la cote de la Louisiane depuis la cote vu oüest de la Floride jusqu'à l'oüest de la rivière du Mississipi. Soupart . XVIIIe
Plan de la côte de la Floride la plus occidentale, depuis le 27e d. de latitude nort, iusqu'au 29e deg. XVIIIe
Plan de la rade de Pensacola. XVIIIe
Plan du port et rade de Pensacole. XVIIIe
War of the Austrian Succession

The Case of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England , with respect to the expences they were at in taking and securing Cape Breton 1744
A particular account of the taking Cape Breton P. Durell. 1745
Extraordinary Events the Doings of God and marvellous in pious eyes T. Prince. 1745
Marvellous Things done by the right Hand and holy Arm of God in getting him the Victory C. Chauncy. 1745
The Importance of Cape Breton to the British Nation R. Auckmuty. 1745
Considerations of the Definitive Treaty, signed at Aix la Chapelle 1748
Ministerial Artifice detected , or, a Full answer to a pamphlet lately published, intitled, The Interests of the Empress Queen 1748
The State of Trade in the Northern Colonies considered O. Little. 1748
The Congress of the Beasts for negotiating a peace between the quadrupedes at war 1748
A Letter to a noble negotiator abroad, on the present prospect of a speedy peace 1748
A Genuine Account of Nova Scotia 1750
Two Discourses [on Ps. cxxvi. 3 ] delivered ... 25th October, 1759 J. Mayhew. 1760