Rise of Indian studies

Indian studies rose in prominence in France due to increasing interest in understanding India's culture, languages, and history. French scholars, influenced by Orientalism, began to study Sanskrit, Hindu philosophy, and Indian religions, contributing to the expansion of knowledge about India in Europe. This interest was also driven by France's colonial presence in India and the need to understand the region for administrative purposes. Eugène Burnouf, Louis Renou, Sylvain Lévi, and Jean Filliozat laid the groundwork for the development of Indian studies in France and influenced subsequent generations of scholars in the field.
Printing India’s texts
Attached to its many different handwritten cultures, India was late to adopt movable-metal-type printing technology. The first Indian presses started being developed in Bengal in the very early 19th century.
Jérôme Petit, Head of South and Southeast Asia Collections, Manuscripts Department, BnF