The contributors

Many specialists have participated in the development of this site



Jérôme Petit is the curator in charge of the South and Southeast Asia manuscript collection at the National Library of France. He serves as the scientific head of the France-South Asia Shared Heritage Project. Additionally, he is a professor of Languages and Manuscript Cultures of the Indian World at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), within the historical and philological sciences section, and is a member of the research group in Indian studies (GREI).


Samuel Berthet  is a historian and researcher. He has been the Director of the Alliance française, Hyderabad in India, and is currently Dean of the American Business School of Paris. A specialist in contemporary India, his research focuses on Franco-Indian cultural relations and the maritime history of South Asia and Europe.       
Anne-Julie Etter, a former student of the École normale supérieure, is a lecturer in history at CY Cergy Paris Université. Her research focuses on the study, conservation and transmission of cultural property in South Asia, at the crossroads of colonial history, social and cultural history of knowledge, history of antiquity and heritage studies. In the framework of her functions as scientific coordinator of the Fondation des sciences du patrimoine, she is also interested in the conditions and challenges of research on material heritage.      
Emmanuel Francis is a research fellow at the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and a statutory member of the Centre for South Asian Studies - CEIAS. His research on Tamil inscriptions and manuscripts focuses on the social and cultural history of the Tamil language. He co-directs two research projects: TST (ANR FRAL 2018, BnF, CEIAS, Hamburg Stabi & CSMC) and DHARMA (ERC Synergy Grant 2018, CEIAS, EFEO, Humboldt Universität & L'Orientale).      
Corinne Lefèvre is a research fellow at the CNRS and a member of the CEIAS (Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud: ). Her work focuses on the political and cultural history of the Mughal Empire from  the sixteenth and to the eighteenth centuries. Her most recent book is Pouvoir impérial et élites dans l'Inde moghole de Jahangir, 1605-1627 (Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2018).     
Raphaël Malangin, Doctor of History, Professor of Letters, History and Geography, has been living in Pondicherry since 2005 and working at the Lycée français international de Pondichéry since 2007. He was commissioned in 2005 by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, Pondicherry chapter. In 2017, he defended a thesis entitled "Renoncer à l'Inde. Comptoirs, agents et aventuriers aux Indes orientales à la fin du XVIIIe siècle" (University of Nantes) under the supervision of Jacques Weber. He has notably published "Pondicherry that was once French India" for the general public in India (Roli-books, 2015) and participated in the editorial project "Les compagnies des Indes" (René Estienne, Gallimard, 2013), and "L'Inde française et la Grande Guerre" (IFP, 2019). Author of research articles published by the Annales de la Révolution française, he recently contributed to the exhibition "Rajahs, Nawabs and Firangees, Treasure from the French archives" (New-Delhi, 2019). He is currently a research associate at the TEMOS UMR 9016 laboratory.     
Dr. Kanchana Mukhopadhyay studied French and History. A research scholar of the history of eighteenth century French presence in Bengal she has worked in various archives in France, India and England. . Author of "Chandernagore and its dependencies – The Unfulfilled dream of Dupleix-(1674-1731), Mukhopadhyay was awarded La Maison des Sciences de L'Homme Paris’s scholarships to pursue her research, further she has also been a fellow of International Society of Eighteenth Century Studies. Two times president of Alliance Française du Bengale and Co-Convenor of INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage), she has eight translated-published books and many articles. A regular contributor to international heritage related issues, she is the recipient of prestigious "Chevalier de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres of French Republic."     
Dhir Sarangi is professor at the Centre for French & Francophone Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He teaches French literature and History of art. His research interests include French Studies and Indo-French cultural history. For over a decade he has been researching on the Collection of Indian paintings at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). He co-curated an exhibition of these paintings in New Delhi in 2006 titled “Lost Palaces of Delhi” which highlighted the contribution of French collectors such as Jean-Baptiste Gentil to the art scene in India during the 18th century. He has written several articles on intercultural exchanges and has given talks on the subject at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, University of Victoria (Canada) and Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) in Paris. He has been research fellow at the BnF (2021) as well as at INHA (2012, 2019).     
Ysé Tardan-Masquelier is a qualified doctor in the history and anthropology of religions, she has taught at the Sorbonne and the INALCO. She teaches courses on Hinduism at the Institut Catholique de Paris and directs the university diploma Cultures and spiritualities of Asia. Project director at the French School, of Yoga she co-leads the Labo du corps, a research seminar in partnership between (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and the French School of Yoga., and created the French Observatoire du yoga. Among her books: Un milliard d'hindous. Histoire, croyances, mutations (Albin Michel, 2007), Ramana Maharshi, le libéré-vivant (Points, 2010), Les maîtres des Upanishads. La sagesse qui libère (Points, 2014). She has directed an encyclopedia on yoga :  Yoga. L'Encyclopédie (Albin Michel, 2021).     
Patrick Tomatis is a yoga teacher and teacher trainer. He is the President of the French School of Yoga-EFY and of the French National Union of Yoga Teachers (Syndicat National des Professeurs de Yoga). He has written numerous articles for the Revue Française de Yoga. He holds a doctorate in Language Sciences from the University of Paris Nanterre and co-leads the Labo du corps, a research seminar in partnership between the CNRS  (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and the French School of Yoga. He is also an  OPQF-ISQ instructor.     
Margherita Trento is a Marie Sk³odowska-Curie post-doc at the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and a member of the Centre for South Asian Studies - CEIAS. Her research focuses on the intersecting history of social, spiritual and literary practices in the Tamil country in the modern period. List of publications.     
Lola Vaissaire is a graduate student at the École du Louvre in the "Research in Art History applied to Collections" programme. Her thesis is on the Indian manuscript 744 of the National Library of France – BnF.     
Jacques Weber is Professor Emeritus at the University of Nantes and a member of the Centre d'étude de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud. His research interests include France in India and India in France, 19th-century Indian emigration, international relations in South Asia, the French and British empires and colonial literature.   
Ines G. Županov is Senior Research Fellow  at the CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) in Paris and the member of the Center for South Asian Studies - CEIAS (CNRS-EHESS). She is currently in New Delhi, associated with the Center for Social Sciences and Humanites.  
She is a social /cultural historian of Catholic missions in South Asia and has also worked on other related topics such as Portuguese empire.  Her latest monograph cowritten with Â. B. Xavier is  Catholic Orientalism; Portuguese Empire, Indian Knowledge, 16th-18th centuries (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2015). She coedited ten books of which the most recent are: Trade and Finance in Global Missions (16th-18th centuries), wih H.Vu-Thanh (Leiden: Brill, 2020);  Handbook of the Jesuits (New York: Oxford University Press 2019); The  Rites Controversies in the Early Modern World, with P.-A. Fabre (Leiden: Brill, 2018).     
Aditi Gupta is a PhD candidate in French Studies at the University of Oxford. Her forthcoming thesis will shine a light on the life and work of Jean-Baptiste Gentil (1726-1799), a French East India Company officer who spent twenty-five years in different parts of India, where he constituted his collection of manuscripts, art albums, maps, and material culture from the subcontinent.  This project is fully funded by the AHRC Oxford-Open-Cambridge Doctoral Training Partnership and the Clarendon Fund. 
Prior to beginning doctoral study at Oxford, she obtained a BA in French Language and Civilisation and an MA in French Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Her research interests include travel writing, history of collections, history of the book, and material culture.

Dr. Abha Singh is a retired professor of Medieval Indian History at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi, India. Her principal areas of research are 'Suba of Delhi under the Mughals, 1580-1719' and 'Religion, Identity, and Social Protests: Satnamis of Narnaul.' She is presently working on a monograph based on the Du Jardin Papers. She is a recipient of Commonwealth and Charles Wallace Fellowships. Her studies are largely based on Persian, Rajasthani, and Braj sources. She has presented and published as many as 20 papers in international and national conferences. As a former faculty member at IGNOU, she has published books on the history of the Indian economy and urbanization in India as part of the Master's in History program. 

Fabien Chartier teaches at the University of Rennes. He obtained his doctorate in 2004 with a thesis on "The Reception of Rabindranath Tagore in Great Britain and France". After teaching French at Delhi University, Saint Stephen's College, and Liverpool University, he turned to teaching English. He has edited several works on India, notably the Quarto-Gallimard  dedicated to Tagore, published in 2020. In India and France, he regularly gives lectures on Tagore. 


Ronan Moreau is a lecturer in Indian Studies and head of the Indian and Central Asian Studies Library at the Collège de France. His research focuses partly on classical Sanskrit literature (Vedas, epics, etc.), particularly through the study of animal and nature representations. Additionally, he works on the historiography of Indian studies, particularly on Sylvain Lévi and his travels in Asia.


Claudine Le Blanc, professor of comparative literature at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, is a former student of the École normale supérieure, Paris, and holds an agrégation  in modern literature. Her work focuses on the literature of classical and modern India and its circulation, epic oral traditions and the notion of literary modernity.  She has published "Une littérature en archipel. La tradition orale de La Bataille de Piriyapattana au Karnataka, Inde du sud" (Champion, 2005), "Histoire de la littérature de l'Inde moderne. Le roman, XIXe-XXe siècles" (Ellipses, 2006), and "Les livres de l’Inde. Une littérature étrangère en France au XIXe siècle" (PSN, 2014). 
She has also co-edited "L’usage des héros. Traditions narratives et affirmations identitaires dans le monde indien (with V. Bouillier, Champion, 2006), L'ailleurs de l'autre. Récits de voyageurs extra-européens (with J. Weber, PUR, 2009), L'Inde de leurs textes. Littératures d'Asie du Sud en diaspora, DESI n° 4, with N. Dejenne, 2109) and since 2014 has been coordinating the Idex-USPC Dictionnaire des littératures de l'Inde (DELI) project with Anne Castaing and Nicolas Dejenne. 


Charles Li received a doctorate in Sanskrit from the University of Cambridge, where he completed a critical edition and translation of Bhartṛhari's Dravyasamuddeśa, a 5th-century text on the philosophy of language, along with the 10th-century commentary by Helārāja. He was a research fellow at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, and then at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris, where he worked on the Texts Surrounding Texts project in association with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (BnF). He is currently a specialist in computational philology at the Tamilex project of the Universität Hamburg.


Guillaume Ducoeur
Yasmine Rajapakse
Jean-Michel Delire
Juliette Denis-Migault