Find more photographs of these countries and citites in the rubriques Archaelogy and The Orient of photographs.
The Nile

Photographies du Nil Collection Max Karkegi
Photographies du Nil Fonds Henri Duval
Photographies du Nil Fonds André Robert. 1911-1931
Photographies du Nil Fonds Jules Touzard. 1931
Carte hydrographique de la Basse Égypte P. Jacotin. 1810
Le Nil : Égypte et Nubie M. du Camp. 1860
Statistique graphique des élévations annuelles du Nil du 1er janvier 1849 au 31 décembre 1878
The Suez canal
As early as Antiquity, the Suez isthmus was a zone of exchanges between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. Over the course of history, there were several projects to pierce it.
Caroline Piquet, associate doctor in history, lecturer in modern history at the University of Paris-Sorbonne
Travelling to Constantinople
Travelling to Constantinople and the rise of tourism: maritime routes (the Danube and the Mediterranean), railways (the Orient-Express and Simplon-Orient-Express), travel agencies and the first airline (CIDNA).
Catherine Pinguet, doctor of literature, associate researcher with the Centre d'Etudes Turques, Ottomanes, Balkaniques et Centrasiatiques (CNRS-EHESS)