The team members
Nineteen professionals have helped to bring this website to fruition.
Louise Crayssac - Project Leader since February 2021
Jérôme Petit - Scientific Director
Marion Ansel - Project Leader up till February 2021
Ange Aniesa - Documentary selection, Maps & Plans, BnF
Marianne Arnold - Documentary selection, philosophy, history, human sciences
Isabelle Breuil - Coordination mission in liaison with the BnF's Departments
Pascal Cordereix - formerly in charge of the documentary selection, Audiovisual
Valérie Dhiver - formerly in charge of the documentary selection, Law, Economy, Politics
Nathalie Hersent - formerly in charge of the documentary selection, French Literature, BnF
Agnès Sandras - formerly in charge of the documentary selection, Philosophy, history, human sciences
Alexandra Adamova - Manager for Partner Files and Data Integration in Gallica
Anaïs Basse - Webmaster, coordinator of the Shared Heritage collection
Nermine Nabil Saad Nasr - in charge of the partner Files and Data Integration in Gallica
Marc Olujic - Website Design & Development Manager
Mathilde Dutertre - formerly Digitisation Manager
Marion Ansel - Communications Coordination
Chloé Girard - French national partners coordination
Margaux Pigois - Contract Management
Alix Lame-Bergis - formerly in charge of the French national partners coordination